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    The Pollinator Imperative

    Pollinator decline is a problem. For at least the past 15 years, the annual loss rate of managed bee colonies in the US has been 30–50% — a remarkable rate.

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    <a href="https://www.biographic.com/making-nature-less-predictable/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Making Nature Less Predictable</a>


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    Western Drought and Farmland Investments: How Will Water Scarcity Impact Asset Performance?

    California’s record drought made headlines this year. Unfortunately, the severity of the drought is neither surprising nor transient.

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    Farmland values performed during the US’ first full year of high inflation in decades

    This year’s USDA Farmland Value report allows for a unique case study in asset value performance during a high-inflation period.

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    <a href="https://www.andnowuknow.com/headlines/agriculture-capital-announces-release-2020-impact-report/chandler-james/76263" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Agriculture Capital Announces Release of 2020 Impact Report</a>


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    <a href="https://www.thepacker.com/news/sustainability/investment-group-reports-increasing-progress-regenerative-goals" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Investment group reports increasing progress with regenerative goals</a>

    The Packer

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    <a href="https://foodindustryexecutive.com/2021/11/agriculture-capital-releases-2020-impact-report/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Agriculture Capital Releases 2020 Impact Report</a>

    Food Industry Executive

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    <a href="http://www.fruitnet.com/produceplus/article/185386/legacy-packing-buoyed-by-early-success" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Legacy Packing buoyed by early success</a>

    Produce Plus

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    <a href="https://www.refrigeratedfrozenfood.com/articles/100112-cold-foods-companies-with-renewable-roots" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Cold Foods Companies with Renewable Roots</a>

    Refrigerated & Frozen Foods

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    AC Brands deploys vaccine rollout

    The Produce News