Our investments in farmland and food infrastructure provide a resilient advantage for the future.

How we deploy
Agriculture Capital invests to create value in farmland and food infrastructure that are:
We invest in growing, packing, and marketing healthy foods that consumers want to buy. We have established relationships with sales partners globally. Our work acknowledges:
- The consumer desire for transparency, sustainability, safety, and values alignment in food production.
- The consumer trend towards healthy, whole foods.

Our design and management framework for innovation and risk establishes common priorities across our businesses. With a focus on:
- Soil richness, carbon sequestration, risk readiness, and a future-forward mindset.
- Quality employment and community building.
- Measurement, tracking, and reporting on results.

Our understanding of the supply chain – from growing to packing to distribution and to marketing – helps us unlock the value of regenerative practices to create more resilient food systems, mitigate risks, enhance quality and build climate solutions. With a focus on:
- Delivering quality and transparency from farm to sales.
- Diversifying assets and economies of scale across the supply chain.
- Leveraging greenhouse emissions reduction and carbon sequestration strategies to reverse historical agricultural impacts.
- Mitigating farming risk to enhance returns.

Acres of farmland regeneratively managed
Metric tons of co2 sequestered annually 1
increase in wild pollinator species abundance 2
Zero waste midstream facilities 3
1. Portfolio Annual Net Average GHG Sequestration, Including Biomass
2. See our 2020 Impact Report
3. Note that zero waste is >95% landfill diversion
Reach out to learn more about our results.
contact usA vertically integrated system of food production
We have built a food infrastructure that allows us to steward capital at scale and with consistency.

Fowler Ranch is a 280 acre farm planted to organic blueberries, mandarins, and SumoCitrus®. It has well-drained, sandy soils and its location near the Kings River provides strong water assets. Its location near Phoenix and Sanger ranch allow for farm management synergies. An additional 62 acres of SumoCitrus® were planted in 2020 and are becoming productive in the 2023-24 season.

Sierra Heights is a 139 acre citrus farm located near the town of Strathmore. It is planted to mature navels as well as 55 acres of SumoCitrus® and 25 acres of mandarins that were developed following acquisition. Its proximity to Griffith Farms’ South Strathmore ranches create opportunities to leverage farm management synergies.

Phoenix Ranch is a 186 acre farm growing organic blueberries, mandarins, and SumoCitrus®. Like nearby Fowler and Sanger ranches, its location near the Kings River provides excellent sandy soils and strong water assets. In 2020 & 2021, 75 acres of the ranch were redeveloped to SumoCitrus® which became productive during the 2022-23 season.

Griffith Farms is a diverse collection of ranches stretching from Woodlake to South Strathmore. In total, the farms are comprised of over 2,000 acres of high quality citrus including SumoCitrus®, navels, valencias, lemons, and specialty citrus varieties. The diversity of soils make Griffith one of the most productive farms in the portfolio, and its scaled, efficient operations make it the largest grower of SumoCitrus®.

Van Delden is a 165 acre ranch consisting of mature navels and valencias. It is adjacent to the Griffith Farms East Redbanks ranch and its acquisition allowed for a synergistic integration into the farm management unit.

Sanger Ranch is a 269 acre farm planted to organic blueberries and mandarins. Its location near the Kings River provides excellent sandy soils and strong water assets. Similarly to Fowler and Phoenix, the organic blueberries from the farm provide a strong foundation in the AC blueberry portfolio.

Legacy Packing & Cold Storage is a state-of-the-art citrus packing and cold storage facility located in Dinuba, CA. It offers advanced sorting technology, automation and food safety features, providing year-round packing and cold storage services for various fruits. Totaling 318,000 square feet, it houses two packing lines, currently packs over 140 million pounds of fruit, and features zero waste and solar- powered operations.

TreeSource is a full service citrus nursery serving the California citrus industry, greenhouse growers, and retailers across the United States. Since acquisition, TreeSource has invested in capacity expansion, innovation and automation, nearly tripling in size and becoming one of the most advanced nurseries in the world.

Suntreat Sales owns and manages the intellectual property and brands for Suntreat, including the SumoCitrus® brand. It also provides marketing and sales services for citrus grown within the AC portfolio as well as growers in the California citrus belt.

Bixler Ranch is located in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, and is a farm with a secure water supply and dynamic crop mix that enhances the AC blueberry portfolio. The early summer maturation bridges the gap between late-spring and late-summer blueberry seasons. While the majority of the farm was developed to blueberries, Bixler is also planted on 43 acres of high-density trellis SumoCitrus® and 338 acres of almonds.

Richgrove Ranch is an ideal location for both citrus and blueberries. Totaling 398 acres, it was acquired in 2016 and its proximity to Victory Ranch enables labor, management, and resource synergies. 120 acres of high quality mature navels continued to be farmed while 152 acres of SumoCitrus® and 126 acres of blueberries were developed in 2017. Its early-season organic blueberries complement AC’s California and Northwest blueberry timeframe.

Rocky Hill is a greenfield development project that was entirely planted to SumoCitrus® in 2018, including over 40 acres of high density trellised plantings. Rocky Hill is one of the more dramatic ranches in the portfolio, adjacent to Lake Success and with views of the nearby Sierra Nevada. The ranch is fully producing and continuing to ramp to maturity.

Victory Ranch is a mature farm with a track record of having some of the most productive SumoCitrus® and organic blueberry blocks in the portfolio. It’s early season blueberries, including those farmed under hoop houses, are harvested in the early spring. Proximity to Victory Ranch enables labor, management, and resource synergies.

located in Central California’s citrus belt around Lindsay, has some of the best soils and growing conditions in the San Joaquin Valley. The asset consists of over 800 acres of citrus farmland, including navels, valencias, and specialty citrus as well as a packing house. Cal Valley, onboarded into the portfolio in 2017 was an attractive acquisition because of the significant acreage of mature, productive trees and midstream opportunity.

Belle Verde is a 54 acre farm located near South Strathmore, adjacent to Griffith Farms blocks as well as near Rocky Hill, which has proven to be an excellent location for citrus. It was acquired in 2019 and redeveloped to SumoCitrus®. The first commercial crop will come into production in the 2023-2024 season.

Alva Ranch is the southernmost citrus farm in the AC managed portfolio, giving it a competitive advantage as one of the earliest-season producers of both navels and Sumo Citrus®. The farm totals 199 acres, with 25 acres of mature navels and 174 acres of double-density SumoCitrus®, planted immediately after acquisition in 2020. The sloping terrain and southern aspect at Alva Ranch offer natural frost protection, which is crucial for the sensitive Sumo Citrus® trees.

Columbine Vineyards was acquired as a large, vertically integrated table grape company with over 5,500 acres of table grape and citrus farmland, a nursery & genetics program, state of the art cold storage facility and sales organization. During AC’s management, an additional 207 acres was replanted to SumoCitrus®. Additionally, the cold storage facility services other businesses in the AC portfolio: drenching and store SumoCitrus® during the winter and packing blueberries in the spring, creating year-round utilization.

Smith Farm was acquired as a mature, producing hazelnut farm in 2014 but while under management, a portion of the farm was redeveloped to organic blueberries. The farm was sold in 2023 to a buyer that recognized the value created through AC’s organic and regenerative management.

Humbug Farms and Halls Ferry Farms are organic blueberry and hazelnut farms totaling over 2,200 acres. These farms are cornerstone investments in the AC blueberry and hazelnut portfolios. Developed in 2014-2015, the farms feature modern consumer-differentiated varieties for each crop at a scale that represents a key aspect of AC’s investment strategy.

Sublimity Farm has 145 acres of organic blueberries, selected from several varieties with high consumer appeal. This was a greenfield development planted after acquisition in 2016. The farm is adjacent to Silver Mountain Packing allowing for efficient management and transportation of the fruit from the farm to the packing facility.

Flying Hills was acquired as a mature conventional blueberry farm in 2019. 72 acres of varieties that were primarily geared towards the frozen market were redeveloped into modern fresh varieties with high consumer appeal. The entire farm was converted to organic immediately after incorporation into the portfolio, further diversifying the AC Northwest blueberry supply.

Silver Mountain Packing is a blueberry packing and cold storage facility located in Sublimity, OR. Acquired as a Christmas Tree storage facility in 2016, Silver Mountain Packing utilizes optical sorting equipment to efficiently pack both hand and machine harvested fruit from AC farms and growers in the Northwest, including Betterful™ blueberries. Silver Mountain has allowed AC to streamline its blueberry supply chain and ensure that the blueberries are packed and stored under optimal conditions.

AC’s Australia investments supplement its core citrus strategy, operating in Australia’s premier growing region, enabling counter-seasonal production for North America and Asia. It’s farm assets include Mowbray and Wattletree, mature farms producing SumoCitrus®, lemons, navels and mandarins, as well as Glenn’s Hill, a 1,080 acre greenfield development planting to mandarins, SumoCitrus® and Cara cara.
AC Australia’s midstream assets are comprised of Legacy Australia, a citrus and stone fruit packing operation, and Sun Country Fresh, a sales and marketing company serving both the AC portfolio and third-party growers.

Firestone Pacific Foods provided the opportunity to further vertically integrate within the blueberry supply chain by acquiring a leading and highly efficient frozen fruit processing company. Well-established in high-growth frozen fruit subsegments such as organic, private label, and blended berry products, Firestone is perfectly positioned to enhance the company’s customer base, expand market share, and foster business growth. By capitalizing on Firestone’s esteemed reputation and expertise in the frozen fruit market, AC aims to strengthen its foothold in this fast-growing segment of the food industry.